Adverse reaction to the intravenous administration of a polyelectrolyte crystalloid in two canines of the French bulldog breed: Case report


Adverse reactions to crystalloids are rare in human and veterinary medicine. Some cases have been reported in which patients present with endocrine imbalances, where it is common to find patients with cutaneous signs, ventilatory signs and hemodynamic alterations. For the present case report, two canine patients of the French bulldog breed of 4 years and 4 months respectively, come to consultation, case 1 arrives because it presents epiphora, entropion and loss of vision, case 2 arrives due to the presence of an ocular mass. For the two patients a clinical evaluation is made, determining as a clinical conclusion the need to perform a surgical procedure; At the time of surgical preparation in both cases, fluid therapy with solution 90 is administered at maintenance doses, immediately presenting signs of adverse reaction such as skin rash, emesis, angioedema and hyperthermia. Patients are treated with dexamethasone and diphenhydramine and the solution 90 is withdrawn and changed to hartmann's and sodium chloride. Due to the presentation of the signs, samples were analyzed confirming the innocuousness of the hydrating solution and generating clinical suspicion of an immune-mediated reaction of endocrine origin.
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sodium acetate
immunoglobulin E
metabolic syndrome
solution 90