Detection of Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae from Marine and Freshwater Fish and its Implication as a Possible Health Risk
Revista de Medicina Veterinaria


<p>Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae is a Gram-positive bacillus that infects animals such as pigs, sheep, cattle, fish, and crustaceans. This microorganism's reports of infection have recently increased in fishers, handlers of fish products, and people who clean ponds. This bacterium remains in the slime and scales of the fish, without harming them. However, it has been shown to cause septicemia in eels and ornamental fish. This research aimed to detect the presence of E. rhusiopathiae in scales of various species of freshwater and saltwater fish. 390 samples of the red snapper, salmon, mojarra, lisa, and corvina species from different states of the Mexican Republic were collected. The bacterium isolation was carried out in a modified packer medium and agar blood, and its identification was performed in the API Coryne system. A second identification was performed by amplifying of the rRNA 16s genes and the spa A gene by multiplex PCR assay. The results obtained by the API Coryne system showed 15% identification for E. rhusiopathiae, while only 10% were positive by the multiplex PCR technique. The most notable detection of this bacterium was found in mojarras. The presence of E. rhusiopathiae in the scales of these fish represents a potential risk for fish handlers, such as in the formulation of balanced feed for the development of aquaculture, poultry, and pig farming activities.</p>
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Erysipelothrix rhusiopathia
pig farming

How to Cite

López-Villegas, E. O., González-Cruz, G. ., Miranda Crisóstomo, R. ., Cancino-Díaz, J. C., Gutiérrez-Paredes, S. ., Guerra-Infante, F. M., & de Haro-Cruz, M. de J. (2023). Detection of Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae from Marine and Freshwater Fish and its Implication as a Possible Health Risk. Revista De Medicina Veterinaria, 1(46), e1455.