Comparison of the frequency of gastrointestinal parasites between draft horses and stable horses


In Colombia, reports on the presentation of frequencies and/or prevalence of gastrointestinal parasitism in horses are limited, even more so if the population under study is horses destined for animal traction. The reports established by various authors previously describe that the identification of parasites Strongylus sp, Strongyloides sp. and protozoa is common at the gastrointestinal level in horses, these being of clinical importance due to their pathological potential. Therefore, the need arises to carry out the present study in which Colombian Creole horses of both sexes and ages established between 1 to 15 years of age are analyzed comparatively, which live in different environments such as stable animals and animals intended for traction; within the n population, a n=51 stabled horses and a n=14 animal traction horses are established, which will be evaluated through a prospective observational descriptive study. Among the results found, a parasitic frequency of 100% (14/14) was established for horses destined for traction and 86.27% (44/51) for those horses present in the stall. The study showed that protozoa are the most common parasitizing agents in both populations.
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Strongylus sp
Strongyloides sp