Relationship between BLV and sanitary problems in a specialized dairy herd in Antioquia
Revista de Medicina Veterinaria


Bovine leukemia virus (BLV) is a retrovirus whose target cell is B lymphocytes, which has a negative impact on the immune system of infected animals, making them more susceptible to other diseases of infectious origin. The objective of this work was to carry out a sanitary study of infectious diseases in a specialized dairy herd in the department of Antioquia and to analyze their possible association with BLV infection. 87 blood samples were taken from Holstein Friesian cows to which an indirect ELISA was performed for the gp51 protein of the virus. The presence/absence data for three diseases (anaplasmosis, mastitis and metritis) and the fever sign were recorded for each of the bovines analyzed during the period of time from 2006 to 2014. The data was analyzed through 2x2 contingency tables and Odds Ratio (OR). The serological prevalence of BLV in the herd was 82.75% and the presentation of diseases during the years 2006 and 2014 was 38.27% for mastitis, 19.58% for anaplasmosis, 15.13% for metritis and 27% for fever. According to the magnitude of effect for the OR, it was found that in general the BLV seroprevalence has an insignificant association with the diseases; however, a moderate association with the fever sign was recorded. Fever is a sign that is associated with infections and it is possible that the decreased immune response to BLV is correlated with the presentation of other infectious diseases.
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Infectious diseases
immune response

How to Cite

Olarte-Quintero, M. A., Úsuga-Monroy, C. ., & López-Herrera, A. . (2024). Relationship between BLV and sanitary problems in a specialized dairy herd in Antioquia. Revista De Medicina Veterinaria, 1(48), e1513.