Comparative Anatomical Description of the Bony Segments that Make Up the Vertebral Column of Cats and Dogs


A comparative anatomical study of the different vertebral segments that form part of the vertebral column of the dog (Canis lupus familiaris) and the cat (Felis silvestris catus) was carried out. The spine is a set of bony structures that play an essential role in stabilization, balance and distribution of force in the body. Anatomically, the spinal column is subdivided into five portions: the cervical, the thoracic, the lumbar, the sacral and coccygeal portion. They present various characteristics that even differ between species. The importance of understanding the characteristics of the spine of minor animals is based on the fact that the pets receive the most attention in the veterinary clinic, where it is often necessary to carry out complementary tests or surgical procedures in the presence of an injury or illness. There is a variety of anatomical literature on vertebral segments in smaller animals, but not many authors describe direct comparisons between both species. The results of the current study demonstrated a series of anatomical differences that allow us to understand the particularities of each of these species, and that can be of clinical utility for veterinarians of small animals.
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vertebral column