Anesthesia in Sigmodontinae Rodents Living out in the Countryside


<p>Some researches in wild mammals require methods that enable to handle the animals living in wild conditions, without affecting negatively the animals, or the researchers. These methods include the chemical immobilization, which has not been enough documented when handling wild rodents of the Sigmodontinae subfamily (Cricetidae). Therefore, this research evaluated the use of diethyl ether when handling Sigmodontinae rodents out in the countryside. It compared the induction time to the anesthesia recovery time between species, genders, and type of environments. A total of 289 animals were caught and anesthetized from six species in the Chingaza National Natural Park. The anesthesia induction times were different between Microryzomys minutus, Neomicroxus bogotensis, Thomasomys laniger y Thomasomys niveipes (F3; 552 = 9.36; p < 0.05). Likewise, the anesthesia recovery times were different between the same species (H = 9.59; p = 0.022). No difference was found in the induction times and the anesthesia recovery times between genders, neither for the types of environment. Total mortality was 4.5%. None mucosal secretions, vomit, or cardiac/respiratory complications were observed in the anesthetized animals. These subjects were caught again and they did not show any alterations in their behavior or physical aspect indicating affection derived either from the anesthesia or the previous handling under captivation. Anesthesia with diethyl ether can be a quick and safe choice when it comes to immobilize and handle Sigmodontinae rodents during short procedures out in the countryside, when carrying out population studies or wildlife monitoring programs</p>
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diethyl ether
wild life