Mortality in Wild Vertebrates due to Running-over in Casanare Province, Colombia


Road have impacted negatively the biodiversity and running-over the animals is one of the most relevant direct causes. This study aims to determine the time distribution and evaluate the spatial patterns related to running-over of wild vertebrates in the roads Yopal-Quebradaseca and Yopal-variante Jagüeyes, in Casanare (Colombia). between 2017 and 2018, running-over events were recorded in 18 trips at 40 km/h. Running-over rates and hotspots were determined as well as some landscape variables (wetlands, native vegetation, buildings) and road variables (shape and use of traffic signs) related to this issue. This way, 139 collision events were recorded including 8 mammal species, 13 reptiles, 20 birds and one amphibian. Caiman crocodilus (n = 17), Rhinella marina (n = 13) and Tamandua tetradactyla (n = 13) were the most run-over species. Myrmecophaga tridactyla was the only threatened species reported in this vertebrate group. Reptiles were the animals with higher running-over rates in both road directions. Based on the total data, 15 hotspots were identified. In general, running-over events were associated with going through curve sections, getting close to a wetland, and driving in areas without any infrastructure. In these events, 64% of the run-over animals were found at a distance lower than 2 km from traffic sign, which indicates a poor effectiveness of these signs. This is the first report of animal running-over in this flooded savanna and is expected to be used as a tool to mitigate the impact on this province.
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Orinoco Region
road ecology