Effects of the Intravenous Application of Ozone in the Biometry and Blood Biochemistry of Clinically Healthy Horses


<p>The objective of the current study is to determine the effects of intravenous application of ozone on blood biometrics and blood chemistry in clinically health and horses. The research was descriptive and experimental, of a transversal type. Also, the type of sampling was non-probabilistic of convenience, where fourteen animals were selected, and distributed in three groups: A and B, made up of six animals each, and group C, made of two animals. Ozone was applied using the major autohemotherapy. The blood was obtained from the jugular vein (400 ml), using the SANO3® Kit Copyright 2017, Paolo Gobbi Frattini, Srl Italy (all rights reserved). The animals were sampled 24 hours before the first application of ozone, and 24 hours after each application. A sampling was carried out fifteen days after the last application, for a total of seven samplings and five applications of ozone per animal. From the obtained samples the hemograms and hematic biochemical components were determined, ALT, AST, ALP, total proteins, albumin, BUN, total bilirubin and direct bilirubin. Next, results and differences for each variable were presented. It was concluded that the application of ozone at therapeutic doses did not cause negative alterations in the hematology and blood biochemistry of equines.</p>
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