Descripción anatómica del músculo Gracilis en el oso hormiguero menor (Tamandua tetradactyla)


The lesser anteater (Tamandua tetradactyla) is a mammal of the family Myrmecophagidae, which is part of the Superordem Xenarthra. It is found in South America and is distributed in all the Brazilian biomes. The ecologic aspects of the morphology of the lesser anteater are still little known. This study used 12 specimens of Tamandua tetradactyla with unknown gender; a specimen of dog (Canis lupus familiaris) male; a specimen of cat (Felis catus) female; a specimen of sheep (Ovis aries) with unknown gender. The gracilis muscle was dissected, evidencing its origin and insertion. This paper describes the origin and insertion of the gracilis muscle in Tamandua tetradactyla. Knowledge about biomechanical aspects of terrestrial and arboreal species is essential in ecomorphological studies. The lesser anteater is a climber who actively uses its hind limbs in adduction when climbing trunks and trees.
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collared anteater