Comparative Anatomical Description of the Bone Segments of the Neurocranium of the Bovine and the Equine


The purpose of the following study was to make an anatomical description of the neurocranium of older animals, focused on the equine (Equus caballus) and the bovine (Bos taurus). The skull is a bone joint complex that protects various organs of the nervous and vascular systems and sense organs, as well as intimate contact with organs that are part of the respiratory and digestive systems. Its architecture comprises a series of articulated bones, which allow giving the conformation of the neurocranium. Despite being a kind of study repeatedly in veterinary anatomy subjects, even in the literature, confusion is generated at the time of its comparative study. This link is related to the diverse number of texts and articles on the subject. However, many descriptions, figures, and anatomical nomenclature obey the author’s perception, distracting the reader. In this way, it was sought to create an article that focuses on being able to guide the reader in the updated anatomical comparative study of these species, beginning with the skull.
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veterinary anatomy