Pulmonary Abscess In An Adult Horse: Report Case


Pulmonary Abscess is the consequence of an inflammatory process delimitation on the lung, this illness is more common in young horses. On February 25 of 2006, was received at Large Animal Clinic of the National University of Colombia, a male horse, who was 5 years old, with the following symptoms: chronic cough, epistaxis, weight loss, jaundice and inflammation of limbs. The clinic exam found that the patient had a Pulmonary Abscess; for that reason it was started with antibiotic therapy (Rifampicina and Sulfa Trimetoprim) and AINES (Flunixin Meglumine). During that period of time the patient showed different alterations in other systems (Diarrhea, Laminitis and Phlebitis) which were treated and solved, before the patient leave de clinic.
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pulmonary abscess