The electrocardiogram is a written register of electric changes that take place in the heart during a heart cycle. The voltage changes are the result of depolarization and repolarization of heart muscle fibers that produce electric changes able to reach body surface and that are detected by electrodes connected to a galvanometer called electrocardiograph. Heart problems are detected with the electrocardiogram, but it is necessary to know the normal values of canine electrocardiogram in a tropical country because values can change compared with normal values reported in other places. The purpose is to show variations of electrocardiogram values from clinically healthy canines from Bogotá D. C at 2600 mosl, Fusagasugá at 1700 mosl and Girardot at 326 mosl. Studied animals were separated in six groups depending on the altitude over sea level and the animal weight (less than 15 Kg and more than 15 Kg). The electrocardiograms were taken with a one channel portable electrocardiograph and derivations I, II, III, aVR, aVL, aVF, CV6LL, CV6LU, CV5RL and V10 were included. Significant differences of electrocardiogram values were observed in derivation II, in relation to the altitude over sea level and to the animals weight, which acquires importance when a diagnose of heart abnormalities is needed from animals located at different altitudes over sea levels.