Clinical Record Retrospective Analysis of a Cat Population based on the Age Ranges Defined by the International Cat Care


This study was conducted as a retrospective analysis of 1199 cat clinical files in a veterinary clinic between 2008 and 2013. The study aims to determine an importance ranking for the different pathologies. This analysis is based on the age categories provided by the International Cat Care (ICC) and takes into account the variables: affected system, race, sex, and reproductive condition. Out of the total files, 69% (827/1199) accounted for patients with pathologies and the integumentary system was the most frequently affected (20.1 %). The most frequently found race was the common home cat (CHC) with 98.42% while the remaining 1.58 % accounted for specific race specimens. Regarding the sex distribution, 52.29% of affected cats were male and 47.71% were female. Regarding the age ranges, a higher percentage of pathologies was found in junior cats, with 41.53%. Regarding the reproductive condition, 76.15% of the clinical files analyzed herein belong to non-neutered cats and 7.51% to neutered cats. The remaining percentage difference (16.35 %) includes all the patients without this specific information.
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clinical files