Compared Biology of the Native Rabbit (Sylvilagus sp.) and the European Domestic Rabbit (Oryctolagus sp.) with a Background of Rabbit Consumption in a Venezuelan City


Biologic differences between the native rabbit Sylvilagus sp. (Lagomorpha: Leporidae) and the European rabbit (Oryctolagus sp.) are quite unknown among Latin-American rabbit-breeders, either since rabbit-breeding is scarcely exploited as compared to other species of domestic animals or because this subject is taught very unusually in the college education. This research is aimed at examining comparatively the differences between Sylvilagus sp. and Oryctolagus sp. rabbits regarding their biology, consumption, and business exploitation. To do so, a meta-analysis was carried out on different scientific works dealing with this topic, news, and interviews to consumers during the term 2000 to 2019. Morphological, physiological, and genetic-origin characteristics were considered as well as how they behave in relation to the environment. These characteristics were organized and analyzed to determine the potential similarities and differences between both genuses. As the family Leporidae includes three genuses in South America, then the genus Lepus sp. was included only in a genus comparative table. Significant biologic, genetic and reproductive differences between Sylvilagus sp. And Oryctolagus sp. were found but they can be unnoticed to the unexpert rabbit-breeders. Therefore, characteristics typical to each genus were highlighted to allow a practical identification. It was determined that the consumption of rabbit meat depends on the availability in the market.
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native rabbit
European rabbit