Cutaneous Malignant Melanoma with Systemic Metastasis in a Female White Bengal Tiger (Panthera tigris tigris)
Revista de Medicina Veterinaria


<p>The occurrence of cutaneous malignant melanoma in exotic felids is poorly reported. A 6-year-old, unneutered, solitary, female white Bengal tiger (Panthera tigris tigris), living in a suitable environment, was evaluated for the presence of a mass near the left eye. Histopathology of the referred biopsy showed the presence of melanocytes with anaplastic features (pleomorphism, cytomegaly, karyomegaly, binucleation), hemorrhagic area and fibrinous inflammatory focus. The histopathological diagnosis was malignant melanoma. Two months after diagnosis, the tigress manifested considerable deterioration with weight loss and the presence of a round mass on the neck. At that time, because of its size, the melanoma totally obstructed vision. Based on this, and for humane reasons, the animal was euthanized. At the time of necropsy, metastasis was observed in the lungs, pleura and kidneys. This case demonstrates the importance of raising awareness of melanomas in underreported species.</p>
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cutaneous malignant melanoma
Panthera tigris
exotic felines

How to Cite

González González, G. A., & Centeno Aldana, H. V. . (2021). Cutaneous Malignant Melanoma with Systemic Metastasis in a Female White Bengal Tiger (Panthera tigris tigris). Revista De Medicina Veterinaria, 1(43), 81-86.
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