Early development of the species Brycon moorei (Steindachner 1878)


Brycon moorei is an endemic species of the Magdalena River basin with a strong commercial, sports and consumption fishing pressure; however, knowledge of ontogeny is scarce or non-existent. For this reason, the present study describes and compares early development in this species. Product of semi-natural induced reproduction, at established times, samples were taken from fertilization until day 15 after hatching to characterize the stages of zygote, cleavage, blastula, gastrula, segmentation, organogenesis, hatching and early juvenile. It was found that the latency time was 6 hours after the second dose at 26°C; hatching occurred at 13 hours post-fertilization (HPF). In the larval stage, cannibalism begins at 22 hours post-hatching (HPH); the maximum buccal opening was reached at 37 HPH with 1773.37 µm and the yolk sac was totally absorbed at 37 HPH. For the pre-bending stage, the mean weight was 3.14±0.36 mg and the length were 6.85±0.53 mm; in the final stage of post-flexion, the average weight and total length were 221.6±15.84 mg and 25.66±0.64mm, respectively. Finally, juveniles with the same characteristics as an adult were presented at 326 HPH. It is concluded that Brycon moorei presents an embryonic and larval development, like most of the species of the genus Brycon and others of the Characidae family; but with the shortest time to consume endogenous reserves and with the shortest time to start cannibalism.
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Magdalena River basin