Diagnosis of gastrointestinal parasites in sheep during the period 2018-2021 in the State of Mexico, Mexico
Revista de Medicina Veterinaria


Gastroenteric verminosis in small ruminants, as in other productive animal species, has a notable impact on livestock health and development. With the objective of determining the gastrointestinal parasitosis diagnosed in sheep during the period 2018 to 2021 in the State of Mexico. They were obtained and analyzed the reports of samples from the area of parasitology (diagnosis results issued by flotation) of CIESA. To the analysis of records, evaluation of cases and their classification, it was considered: case number, number of animals in the production unit, origin and type of production unit. Descriptive statistics were used for the results report. The origin of the samples was from several sheep-producing areas. For the year 2018 the number of samples was 63, for 2019 there were 49, in 2020 ten, and four for 2021, giving a total of 126 samples. The breeds corresponded to: Suffolk, Hamshiere, Dorper, Kathadin and Hybrids. The coproparasitoscopic analysis it was found: 5 negative samples; with a mild parasitosis 67; 33 with a moderate parasitosis, and 21 with a severe parasitosis. Of the gastroenteric parasitosis, one was found a positivity of 96.03%, and by species of gastroenteric nematodes the following was found: Chabertia 91 (72.72%); Cooperia 28 (22.22%); Haemonchus 25 (19.84%); Nematodirus 8 (6.34%), and Trichostrongylus with 4 (3.17%). Other parasitosis were: Eimeria spp to 84.92 %; Moniezia spp 22.22 %; 17.46% to Dictyocaulus, and 13.49% to Trichuris. In the sanitary management of the herds, a better parasite control is required, and apply alternative control measures due to the appearance of parasites resistant to anthelmintics.
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gastroenteric verminosis
sheep (Source: MeSH)

How to Cite

Valladares-Carranza, B. ., Ortega-Santana, C. ., Velázquez-Ordoñez, V. ., Vega-Castillo, L. F., Sánchez-Torres, J. E., Delgadillo-Ruiz, L. ., & Bañuelos-Valenzuela, R. . (2024). Diagnosis of gastrointestinal parasites in sheep during the period 2018-2021 in the State of Mexico, Mexico. Revista De Medicina Veterinaria, 1(49), e0004. https://doi.org/10.19052/mv.vol1.iss49.4