Elimination curve of eggs per gram of faeces of gastrointestinal parasites in water buffalo (bubalus bubalis) in the colombian middle magdalena


This study was conducted in Hacienda Bufalera La Suiza, municipio de Puerto Nare Antioquia (the Colombian Middle Magdalena). The objective was to determine variations in the elimination of eggs per gram (epg) of faeces of gastrointestinal parasites during the months of January to December to a total of 150 water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis), which were divided into three groups of 50 (animals under 12 months of age, 13 to 36 months of age and over 37 months of age). These animals were randomly selected from a total of 4.200 buffalos. Faeces were collected directly from the rectum every month for a year, and then samples were processed by the technique of Mc-Master modified by Scmidht to count eggs. Statistix software was used to calculate descriptive statistics and correlation between climatic variables (temperature, sunlight and precipitation) and each parasite group. Analysis of variance was calculated in Microsoft Excel. Annual elimination curves of eggs per gram of faeces of Strongylida order and Strongyloides, Toxocara and Eimeria gender were established. In group of animals under 12 months of age, the most constant parasite eggs throughout the year were Strongyloides spp. and oocysts of Eimeria spp. In groups of 13 to 36 months of age and older than 37 months, the most constant parasites were Strongylida order and Eimeria spp., where the eggs of Trichuris spp. were the smaller elimination. As for the elimination of Toxocara eggs was only found in the group younger than 12 months of age, with a single presentation in january, june and august.
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