No. 34 (2017)
Revista de Medicina Veterinaria
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No. 34 (2017)
Published 2017 January 1
PDF (Spanish)
Ciencias veterinarias rurales: aportes de las ciencias veterinarias al mundo rural
Fernando Nassar Montoya, Ernesto Andrés Dalmau Barros, Diego Soler-Tovar (Author)
7 - 8
Original Article
PDF (Spanish)
Analysis of milk production profitability according to variation in the carbohydrate source used in the supplementation of Holstein cows
Luis Miguel Gómez Osorio, Sandra Lucía Posada Ochoa, Martha Olivera Ángel, Ricardo Rosero Noguera, Pablo Aguirre Martínez (Author)
9 - 22
PDF (Spanish)
Association of birth order and racial component with the prevalence of clinical mastitis in a specialized dairy herd located in the high tropics of Colombia
Caterine Vidales Curequia, Jorge Mario Cruz Amaya, Luis Gabriel González Herrera (Author)
23 - 30
PDF (Spanish)
Technical and productive characterization of milk production systems in the Sibundoy Valley (Putumayo, Colombia)
Juan Manuel Astaíza Martínez, Martha Ruth Muñoz Ordóñez, Carmenza Janneth Benavides Melo, Darío Antonio Vallejo Timarán, Carlos Alberto Chaves Velásquez (Author)
31 - 43
PDF (Spanish)
Microbiological confirmation and hematological evaluation of Anaplasma marginale and Babesia spp. in high-altitude cattle ranching in the Venezuelan Andes
Ana María Bolívar Sánchez, Carlos Luis Pérez Depablos (Author)
45 - 53
PDF (Spanish)
Local knowledge and participatory design of silvopastoral systems as a connectivity strategy in livestock landscapes
Alexander Navas Panadero (Author)
55 - 65
PDF (Spanish)
Contributions of veterinary sciences to rural Colombia
Fernando Nassar-Montoya, Victoria Pereira-Bengoa (Author)
67 - 80
PDF (Spanish)
Dermopathies in working donkeys (Equus asinus) in rural areas of Córdoba (Colombia)
José A. Cardona Álvarez, Teresa Oviedo Socarrás, Marco González Tóus (Author)
81 - 91
PDF (Spanish)
Molecular determination of Leptospira spp. in semen and pre-ejaculatory fluid, and serological study of Creole horses in the department of Cundinamarca (Colombia)
Germán Rodríguez, Ricardo Piñeros, Germán Prada, César Díaz, Carlos Venegas, Carlos Salazar, Carlos Trujillo (Author)
93 - 100
PDF (Spanish)
Geographic distribution of bovine clinical casuistry in the outpatient service for large animals at the Universidad de Córdoba (Colombia)
Jhonny Alberto Buitrago-Mejía, Marcial Enrique Díaz-Cueto, Alfredo Suárez-Chica, José Alberto Cardona-Álvarez (Author)
101 - 113
PDF (Spanish)
Epidemiology of hemoparasites and endoparasites in bovines in cattle reconversion areas of La Macarena (Meta, Colombia)
Efraín Benavides Ortiz, Natalia Polanco Palencia (Author)
115 - 136
PDF (Spanish)
Fasciola hepatica in bovines from the inter-Andean valley of Aymaraes (Peru): Identification of associated factors
Katty Merino Trujillo, Aldo Alim Valderrama Pomé (Author)
137 - 147
PDF (Spanish)
Veterinary Medicine in the context of the Colombian municipality: Conversations with rurality from the professionalizing undergraduate academic practice in Animal Health Administration at the Universidad de Antioquia, 2005-2015
Daniela Callejas Villa, Jorge Arturo Fernández Silva (Author)
149 - 166
PDF (Spanish)
Field necropsy: An added service in rural veterinary medicine
Abelardo Morales Briceño, Antonio Lamprea Garrido, Alicia García Hermoso, Aniceto Méndez Sánchez (Author)
167 - 180
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