Design and Validation of a Questionnaire for the Evaluation of Quality of Life in Pets (Dogs and Cats) Under the One Health Approach


<p>The objective of the current study is to design and validate a questionnaire aimed at evaluating the quality of life of dogs and cats as pets; instrument which enables the education of their holders, and contributes to a more comprehensive clinical assessment by veterinarians, in favor of the welfare of these species, under the approach of One Health. Based on the facet theory, which involves four dimensions, a questionnaire was created. It was consequently validated by experts as well as through a pilot study with 114 pet owners. The results confirm the importance of the following dimensions: emotional condition, manifest behavior, environment and physical condition, for the identification of the quality of life of pets, framed in the components of behavior of the pet and of its caregiver. The instrument proposed in this work is important for pet caregivers and veterinarians, as it constitutes an indicator that allows them to comprehensively evaluate the quality of life of pets, to offer them a better welfare under the One Health approach.</p>
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quality of life
animal behavior
One Health
One Welfare