Determining Human Clot Lysis Time (in vitro) with Plasminogen/Plasmin from Four Species (Human, Bovine, Goat, and Swine)


Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide, including failures in the plasminogen/plasmin system which is an important factor in poor lysis of blood clots. This article studies the fibrinolytic system in four species of mammals, and it identifies human <em>plasminogen</em> with highest <em>thrombolysis efficiency</em>. It examines plasminogen from four species (human, bovine, goat, and swine) and identifies the most efficient one in human clot lysis <em>in vitro</em>. All plasminogens were identically purified by affinity chromatography. Human fibrinogen was purified by fractionation with ethanol. The purification of both plasminogen and fibrinogen was characterized by one-dimensional SDS-PAGE (10%). Human clot formation <em>in vitro</em> and its dissolution by plasminogen/plasmin consisted of determining lysis time from clot formation to its dilution. Purification of proteins showed greater than 95% purity, human plasminogen showed greater ability to lyse clot than animal plasminogen. The article concludes that human plasminogen/plasmin has the greatest catalysis and efficiency, as it dissolves human clot up to three times faster than that of irrational species.
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tissue plasminogen activator