Diagnostic and Therapeutic Description of Equine Pythiosis: Case Report


Pythiosis is commonly associated with humid and swampy tropical environments. It is considered a pyogranulomatous disease, which in equines mainly affects the skin and subcutaneous tissue. It occurs most frequently in the limbs, face and abdominal region. To the veterinary clinic of the Remington University Corporation is presented an equine of female sex, pinto coat, with an age of eleven years. The patient arrives on the occasion of consultation of a lesion present at the ventral abdominal level, which is granulomatous, ulcerative and apparently necrotic. It presents a lot of purulent discharge active and continuous with several fistulous tracts. To the washing of the wound the presence of structures compatible with Kunkers is evidenced. The diagnostic plan includes blood count and basic blood chemistry. A swab of the wound is sent in order to evaluate the bacterial growth in the culture and the antibiogram. At the therapeutic level, treatment starts with Veterflucina® (composed of penicillin G, streptomycin, flumetasone) and metronidazole locally. Infiltrations are performed in the lesion with Kenacort® (triamcinolone acetate). The response to the treatment established is partially effective, which is why it is decided to perform the surgical removal of the wound by removing a structure with a length of 15 cm long, 7 cm wide and weighing 300 grams. The animal responds satisfactorily to surgery and to date it has not shown recurrence of the pathology.
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dermatological diagnosis
Phytium insidiosum